EP PerMed Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2025

Pharmacogenomic Strategies for Personalised Medicine Approaches (PGxPM2025)

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The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine, EP PerMed, supported by the European Union under Horizon Europe, Grant Agreement N° 101137129, has launched its second joint transnational call (JTC2025) for proposals on “Pharmacogenomic strategies for personalised medicine approaches (PGxPM2025)”. In total, 35 funding organisations participate in this call with an available budget of over 36.5 Mio. € (approx.).

EP PerMed funding organisations, listed below, have agreed to jointly fund multinational innovative research projects in personalised medicine (PM), which should bring together academic, clinical/public health and private research teams, thus enhancing the competitiveness in Europe in this field.

The call will be implemented in two stages, i.e. a pre- and a full-proposal phase.

16 December, 2024Publication of the call
09 January 2025JTC2025 information day (Recordings available)
18 February, 2025 (14:00, CET)Deadline for pre-proposal submission
Expected around 15 May, 2025Communication of the results of the pre-proposal assessment and invitation to the full-proposal stage
17 June, 2025 (14:00, CEST)Deadline for full-proposal submission
Mid/end of August 2025Rebuttal stage
Expected for October 2025Communication of the funding decisions to the ap-plicants
End of 2025, beginning of 2026Expected project start (according to region-al/national funding regulations)
Expected timeline of the call

Electronic submission website

Electronic proposal submission is mandatory on PT-Outline. Research project consortia who intend to submit a transnational proposal should register as soon as possible, by clicking on “Sign up” and follow further instructions.

Contact persons for the Joint Call Secretariat (JCS)

The EP PerMed JCS is hosted by the German Aerospace Center e.V. – Project Management Agency, (DLR-PT):

Alexandra Becker and Katja Kuhlmann
Heinrich-Konen-Straße 1, 53227 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 228 3821 2211
Email: permed@dlr.de

Change Log

31 January 2025
Guidelines for applicants (BMBF, page 40-41)

22 January 2025
Guidelines for applicants (BMG, page 42-43)

15 January 2025
Guidelines for applicants (NKFIH, page 50), Call Text (page 25)

14 January 2025
Guidelines for applicants (BMG, page 42; RCN, pages 70-71)

20 December 2024
Update Guidelines for applicants (SAMRC, pages 87-91)

16 December 2024
Publication of the Call

Call Documents

The call text and all additional documents can be downloaded below:

During the Information Day on 9 January 2025, the call was introduced and the scope and eligibility criteria were presented. The slides and recordings are available here.

Depending on the country of origin, additional documents may be required:

Belgium (F.R.S.-FNRS)

Applicants to F.R.S.-FNRS funding must submit an administrative application on e-space within 5 working days after the general deadline of the EP PerMed call to be eligible. Please select the “PINT-MULTI” funding instrument when creating the administrative application.

Israel (CSO-MOH)

National additional document (to be sent to CSO-MOH before the JTC submission deadline, instructions (DOCX)).

Italy (IT-MoH)

Pre-eligibility check form for IT-MoH proposals (PDF) (to be sent to IT-MoH at least 10 working days before the JTC submission deadline).

Italy (FRRB)

Pre-eligibility check form for FRRB proposals (DOCX) (to be sent to FRRB at least 10 working days before the JTC submission deadline) and budget tool (XLSX) as support for FRRB applicants.

Italy (RT)

Pre-eligibility check form (DOCX) for Tuscany Region proposals and budget compilation (XLSX) form for Tuscany Region proposals (pre-eligibility form to be sent to RT at least 10 days before the JTC submission deadline).

Portugal (FCT)

Statement of Commitment for FCT proposals (to be sent up to 10 working days after the deadline for submission of pre-proposals to the National Contact Points, EPPerMed@fct.pt).

South Africa (SAMRC)

SAMRC Pre-eligibility Check form (to be sent by 04 February 2025, 23:00, CET).

Spain (CFN)

Additional document for CFN proposals (DOC) (to be sent to CFN in parallel to the pre-proposal submission).

Aims of the Call

The overall objectives of the JTC2025 will be to

  • Support research projects in human health on pharmacogenomic strategies for personalised medicine approaches that address one or more of the following aspects:
    • identification of new pharmacogenomic markers or signatures using (multi)-omics data in relation to drug or drug combination.
    • validation of a pharmacogenomic marker or signatures using (multi)-omics data in predicting drug or drug combination outcomes.
    • use pharmaco-omics strategies to determine the right dosage, the efficacy of treatments and/or the risk of adverse drug response and non-response to treatment to tailor personalised treatment pathways, including combined treatments (multi-medication).
  • Encourage and enable interdisciplinary collaborations, i.e. multi-actor research by engaging a range of other relevant disciplines such as pre-clinical and clinical research, bioinformatics/health informatics/data research, ELSA research, implementation research or health economics research connected to the proposed research topic, including end-user perspective analysis to support the implementation of the research outcomes into clinical practice.
  • Encourage cross-sectorial collaborations, by including the private sector (e.g. SMEs, small and medium-sized enterprises), industry, as well as regulatory/HTA agencies and patient organisations.
  • Establish participatory research, i.e. active representation of patients or citizens as part of research projects.

Projects are encouraged to combine the following aspects in their research:

  1. Omics data such as epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics data in addition to genomics data in relation to treatment outcomes. A key goal is to assess the importance of one or more -omics approaches (multi-modal approaches) in optimising treatment outcomes.
  2. Information regarding patient medication (prescription and non-prescription), dose or compliance.
  3. Information (including clinical and environmental factors) regarding medication efficacy, adverse effects and patient reported outcomes (PRO).

Participatory research should be established in that active representation of patients or citizens is part of research projects. EP PerMed is supporting this approach by providing dedicated funding to organisations representing patients or citizens to participate as partners in proposals submitted to this call. Those organisations could support in designing the research, ensuring that research questions are relevant from the patients’ and citizens’ point of view. They might also support in collecting data for PROs and adverse effects.

Projects funded under this call are furthermore required to include a dedicated work package focussing on the question of implementation of the research outcomes into clinical practice with a focus on e.g. patient outcome, costs, reimbursement, education, ELSA (ethical, legal and societal aspect) or feasible use at the point of care.

Research projects in all disease areas are welcome. Research on polygenic drug response phenotypes is encouraged.

Exclusion: Projects focussing only on drug-drug-interaction are out of scope. Projects focusing on the clinical development of new drugs are out scope.

Please refer to the Call Text of the JTC2025 for further information and definitions.

General (Eligibility) Conditions for Application

Joint research proposals may be submitted by applicants belonging to an entity according to the following categories (subject to regional/national funding regulations; see “Guidelines for Applicants”):

  1. Academia (research teams working in universities, other higher education institutions) or research institutes;
  2. Clinical/public health sector (research teams working in hospitals/public health and/or other healthcare settings and health organisations). Participation of clinicians (e.g. medical doctors, nurses), pharmacists and general practitioners in the research teams is encouraged;
  3. Private for-profit (industry) partners, e.g. SME (small and medium-sized enterprises) and private non-profit partners, e.g. foundations, associations or non-governmental organisations.

Consortia submitting applications to this call are strongly encouraged to include partners from different categories (1, 2 and 3) in line with the crosscutting/multidisciplinary nature of the call.

Only transnational projects will be funded. Each consortium must involve at least three partners from three different EU Member States or Associated Countries whose funding organisations participate in the call. Each of these partners must be eligible and request funding from the respective funding organisation. All three legal entities must be independent of each other. The project coordinator must be eligible to be funded by his/her regional/national participating funding organisation. The project coordinator (i.e. principal investigator and organisation) cannot be changed between the first and second stage.

Max. 2 project partners per consortium can request funding from the same funding organisation. For some funding organisations, the maximum number of eligible partners who can be funded in one project is limited to one (see also “Guidelines for Applicants” for individual funding rules).

No more than one partner with their own funding is allowed in the consortia with at least three partners eligible for funding (more indications in the Call Text: “B. Funding recipients”, section 7).

Pre-proposal stage: Maximum number of partners is 6 (no more than 2 partners from the same country including partners on own funding); Maximum number of partners can be 7 if the consortium includes a 3rd partner of the same country (condition: funding requested from at least 2 different funders of the respective country; applies to only one country per consortium; including partners on own funding).

Widening concept: Consortia are allowed to include in the full-proposal phase an additional project partner that is eligible to receive funding from a funding organisation that is underrepresented in the second stage of the call and that agrees to participate in the widening option (a list of underrepresented regions/countries will be provided to coordinators invited to submit full-proposals).

Exception: To facilitate the integration of organisations representing patients or citizens in consortia, they can be added as additional partners at the pre-proposal stage or full-proposal stage. Organisations representing patients or citizens can be added as additional partner(s) either on own funds or by applying for funding, if eligible, from EP PerMed (see page 10) or the respective funding organisations. The consortia must follow all of the above-mentioned rules regarding the consortia composition without counting the patient/citizen representing organisations, except for the following rule: within one consortium, no more than 2 partners can request funding from the same funding organisation, including patient/citizen organisations. For some funding organisations, the maximum number of eligible partners who can be funded in one project is one.

Each project partner has to be represented by one principal investigator. Within a joint proposal, each project partner’s principal investigator will be the contact person for the JCS and the relevant regional/national funding organisation. Each consortium must nominate one project coordinator among the project’s principal investigators. The nomination of a project co-coordinator is not allowed.

If a partner is found to be ineligible by one of the funding organisations after the formal check, the entire proposal may be rejected without further review. For a definition of eligible partners, see “Guidelines for Applicants”, the regional/national regulations, and contact the concerned regional/national funding organisation.

A maximum project duration of 3 years may be applied for.

Number of partners in the proposal*Pre-proposal


(only by inclusion of one underrepresented region/country)

Maximum number of partners with own funding**011111
Maximum number of partners per country***122233 (for consortia with 8 partners)

* at least three partners being eligible and request funding from three different EU Member States or Associated Countries whose funding organisations participate in the call. Patient/citizen representing organisations are not included in this calculation.

** patient/citizen representing organisations are not included in this calculation and can be added as partners participating with own funding at the pre- and full-proposal stage.

*** patient/citizen representing organisations are not included in this calculation and can be added as additional partners in the pre-proposal or full-proposal stage. They can participate either on own funds or apply for funding, if eligible, from the regional/national funding organisation or EP PerMed. Please note: within one consortium, not more than 2 partners can request funding from the same funding organisation, including patient/citizen organisations. For some funding agencies, the maximum number of eligible partners who can be funded in one project is one.

All eligibility criteria and submission requirements are detailed in the following two call documents: Call text and the Guidelines for Applicants.

Whilst applications will be submitted jointly by groups from several countries, individual groups will be funded by the individual EP PerMed funding organisation respective of the region/country from which applicants applies. The applications are therefore subject to eligibility criteria and regulations of individual funding organisations. Applicants are strongly advised to contact their regional/ national representatives of the participating relevant funding organisation as soon as possible in order to confirm their eligibility (see also below “Contact details of participating members”).

EP PerMed Partnering Tool

The partnering tool tool is expected to launch in the second week of January.

Contact details of participating members

The following countries (24) are participating in the call: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and Turkiye (contact list is provided below and in Annex 1 of the Call Text as well as the “Guidelines for Applicants” document).

Besides national funders, the following regions are participating (10): Flanders (Belgium), Wallonia-Brussels Federation (Belgium), Saxony (Germany), Lombardy (Italy), Tuscany (Italy), Azores (Portugal), Centro Region (Portugal), Andalusia (Spain), Catalonia (Spain) and Navarre (Spain).

Name of participating organisationCountry/RegionRegional/National contact
Austrian Science Fund, (FWF)AustriaHannes Zwickl
Tel.: +43 676 83487 8219
Heike Höller
Tel: +43 676 83487 8220
The Research Foundation – Flanders, (FWO)Belgium (Flanders)Toon Monbaliu (FO)
Kristien Peeters (SBO)
Tel.: +32 (0)2 550 15 70
Tel.: +32 (0)2 550 15 95
Fund for Scientific Research – FNRS, (F.R.S.-FNRS)Belgium (Wallonia-Brussels Federation)Maxime Bonsir
Tel.: +32 2504 9236
The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic / Czech Health Research Council, (MZCR/AZVCR)Czech RepublicMonika Kocmanova
Tel.: +420 606 273 871
Innovation Fund Denmark, (IFD)DenmarkKatrine Boeriis
Tel.: +45 61 90 50 06
Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs,
EstoniaMari Teesalu
Tel.: +372 5916 2047
Estonian Research Council, (ETAG)EstoniaMargit Suuroja
Tel.: +372 731 7360
Argo Soon
Tel.: +372 515 3424
Business Finland, (BFRK)FinlandNorma Jäppinen
Matti Hiltunen
Tel.: +358 50 5577 012
Tel.: +358 50 5577 652
Agence Nationale de la Recherche, (ANR)FranceMonika Frenzel
Mylène Vaillancourt
Tel: (+33) (0) 1 73 54 83 32
Federal Ministry of Education and
Research, (BMBF)
German Aerospace Center e.V. – Project
Management Agency, (DLR)
GermanyUte Preuss
Jacqueline Kalb
Tel.: +49 228 3821-2211
Federal Ministry of Health, (BMG) German Aerospace Center e.V. – Project Management Agency, (DLR)GermanyFabian Gondorf
Tel.: +49 228 3821-2211
Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism, (SMWK)Germany (Saxony)Gabriele Süptitz
Tel.: +49 351 564-64210
Caroline Karapanos
Tel.: +49 351 564-64210
General Secretariat for Research and Innovation, (GSRI)GreeceFoteini Karagkouni
Tel.: +30 213 1300132
National Research, Development and Innovation Office, (NKFIH)HungaryZsuzsanna Kürti
Tel.: +36 1 795 9500
The Icelandic Centre for Research, (RANNIS)IcelandHelga Snævarr Kristjánsdóttir
Taighde Éireann-Research Ireland, (TE-RI)IrelandEmma McGrath
Tel.: +353 86 1991351
Chief Scientist Office, Ministry of Health, (CSO-MOH)IsraelLiron Even-Faitelson
Tel.: +972-2-5082168
Italian Ministry of Health, (IT-MoH)ItalyMaria Josefina Ruiz Alvarez
Tel.: (+39) 06-4990 6836
Chiara Ciccarelli
Tel.: (+39) 06-5994 3919
Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica, (FRRB)Italy (Lombardy)Giulia Maria Rossignolo
Tel.: +39 0267650159
Tuscany Region, (RT)Italy (Tuscany)Donatella Tanini
Teresa Vieri
Tel.: +39 055 4383256
Tel.: +39 055 4383289
Latvian Council of Science, (LZP)LatviaUldis Berkis
Tel.: +37129472349
Research Council of Lithuania, (LMT)LithuaniaŽivilė Ruželė
Tel.: (+370) 676 14383
Luxembourg National Research Fund, (FNR)LuxembourgGideon Gießelmann
Tel.: +352 691 362 805
The Research Council of Norway, (RCN)NorwayKatrine Rolid
Tel.: +47 415 48 328
National Centre for Research and Development, (NCBR)PolandAnna Stępień
Tel.: +48 22 39 07 210
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, (FCT)PortugalRita Cavaleiro
Pedro Ferreira
Tel.: +351 213 911 541
Tel.: +351 213 924 445
Vice-Presidency of Azores Regional Government, (VP-GRA)Portugal (Azores)Maria Vale
Tel.: +351 296 308 922
Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro, (CCDRC)Portugal (Centro Region)Sophie Patrício
Dora Cabete
Tel.: +351 239400100
The South African Medical Research Council, (SAMRC)South AfricaRizwana Mia
Tel: +27 21 938 0984
National Institute of Health Carlos III, (ISCIII)SpainMaría Callejo Arranz
Tel.: +34918222503
Consejería de Salud y Consumo de la Junta de Andalucía, (CSCJA)Spain (Andalusia)Alicia Milano Curto
Health Department – Generalitat de Catalunya, (DS-CAT)Spain (Catalonia)Montserrat Llavayol
Tel.: +34 935566103
Government of Navarre, (CFN)Spain (Navarre)Javier Rodrigo
Tel.: +34 848 42 76 69
Sweden´s Innovation Agency,
SwedenMalin Eklund
Tel.: +46 730 20 39 53
Casper Ullsten-Wahlund
Tel.: +46 8 473 32 06
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, (TUBITAK)TurkiyeN. Selcan TÜRKER
Tel.: +90 312 298 1760